Updated 5/29
Motorcycle and Classic Car Ride.
Ride with a purpose.
July 11, 2015
VRLC@VRLC.net 802.229.4885
Vermont Right to Life Educational Trust
Rides Start in
Burlington, Newport, Rutland. Merging at Barre Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Clinic and riding together to the State House, followed by a luncheon on the State House lawn.
Prayer Locations
Burlington · Newport · Rutland · Hyde Park · White River Junction · Barre · Montpelier
All Ages Event
Suggested Donation
$25 per vehicle
Or sponsor a vehicle
Specify Vrlc-Ed Fund for tax deductible gift
P.O. Box 1079
Montpelier, VT 05601
Registration and Sponsorship Forms
Registration and Waiver Form (Fillable PDF)
Bulletin Announcement
Join us for the 7th Annual Ride for Life ~ Saturday, July 11, 2015
The Ride for Life is a motorcycle ride with a purpose! Join with fellow pro-lifers to pray for an end to abortion in front of Planned Parenthood abortion clinics across Vermont and conclude with prayers for a renewed respect for all life at the State Capitol in Montpelier.
The 2015 ride routes will kick off in the early morning on Saturday, July 11th from three locations: NEWPORT, BURLINGTON, WHITE RIVER JUNCTION and RUTLAND. Bikers, classic cars drivers and pro-life participants will stop to pray at Planned Parenthood clinics along each of the FOUR ride routes and will then meet up at the Barre Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. All four ride routes will then travel together to Montpelier to end the day in prayer for our lawmakers at the State House. Participants will also be seeking sponsorships to raise funds for the Vermont Right to Life Educational Trust Fund!
For more information, you can find us on Facebook, www.vrlc.net, or call the VRLC office at 229-4885.
Join the Facebook Group
VRLC exists to restore legal protection to those members of the human family who are threatened by abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.