Montpelier ~ Saturday, January 21, 2017 10:45 AM
Mark Your Calendars
Once again, the annual Rally for Life will kick off in Montpelier at 10:45am, as participants need to line up behind City Hall on Saturday, January 21, 2017. Signs and banners will be provided.
The march down State Street to the steps of the Capitol will begin promptly at 11:00am, and those who wish to attend but cannot participate in the outdoor portion of the event can find their way to House Chambers and wait for the group to join them. Opening remarks will begin as soon as everyone is seated.
This year, the Rally for Life will feature women’s voices, featuring Jewels Green of Philadelphia, Sarah Zagurski of Colorado and Amy Cochran of Vermont.
“Sharing Our Stories”
Jewels Green, Philadelphia
About Jewels: Jewels Green is a former abortion clinic worker who was pressured into an abortion as a teenager and survived a subsequent suicide attempt. She is a mother, writer, public speaker, volunteer, and tireless advocate for the right to life from conception to natural death. Jewels’ candid articles have been published online and in print and she is featured in the documentary film 40 and in the book We Choose Life: Authentic Stories, Movements of Hope.
Her incredible transformation and conversion to championing the pro-life worldview is proof that people can heal from abortion. She is overjoyed to see the tide shifting in public opinion about abortion and credits this, in part, to the peaceful, prayerful presence of dedicated individuals providing material assistance to pregnant mothers and families in need. Jewels lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia and her full-time job is stay-at-home mother to three wonderful sons.
Sarah Zagurski, Colorado
About Sarah: “Life is GOOD! But it isn’t always easy.” – I chose this career path to work everyday to make my beliefs reality. I was adopted by a family dedicated to the pro-life cause, after spending seven years in the foster care system. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute, I have a degree in Communications and Biblical Studies. Previously, I served as the Executive Director of Colorado Citizens for Life, and was a staff writer for I speak with legislators and elected officials across our state to stress the importance of traditional family values.
Saturday, January 21
Rally for Life 10:45 Montpelier – All participants will gather behind City Hall to line up for the march to the steps of the State House, where opening remarks will be followed by speakers indoors.
Edited: updated the Diocese’s mass to 9:30am