Supported H.57, the most radical anti-life legislation in the nation.
Democrat Representative from Braintree, Brookfield, Granville, Randolph, Roxbury Democrat Representative from Chelsea, Corinth, Vershire, Washington, Orange, Williamstown Democrat Representative from Groton, Newbury, Topsham Democrat Representative from Braintree, Brookfield, Granville, Randolph, Roxbury Democrat Representative from Norwich, Sharon, Stratford, Thetford Democrat Representative from Royalton, Tunbridge Democrat Representative from Bradford, Fairlee, West Fairlee Democrat Representative from Norwich, Sharon, Strafford, Thetford
Ben Jickling
Carl Demrow
Chip Conquest
Philip Jay Hooper
James Masland
John O’Brien
Sarah Copeland-Hanzas
Timothy Briglin