- Barre Montpelier Times Argus letters@timesargus.com
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- St. Albans Messenger michelle@samessenger.com
- Stowe Reporter news@stowereporter.com
- Seven Days https://posting.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/LetterstotheEditor/Page
- Valley News forum@vnews.com
- Vermont Standard https://www.thevermontstandard.com/contact/#about
- Deerfield Valley News letters@vermontmedia.com
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- Shelburne News editor@shelburnenews.com
- The Chronicle news@bartonchronicle.com
- The Newport Daily Express lcarpenter@newportvermontdailyexpress.com
- The Mountain Times editor@mountaintimes.info
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- Chester Telegraph info@chestertelegraph.org
- Northfield News northfieldnewsads@gmail.com
- Addison Independent https://addisonindependent.com/letter-editor
- Vermont Eagle www.eagletimes.com
- Herald of Randolph editor@ourherald.com
- VTDigger contact@vtdigger.org
- UVM Vermont Cynic opinion@vtcynic.com
- Manchester Journal dmarcy@manchesterjournal.com
- Morrisville News and Citizen news@newsandcitizen.com
- The (Washington) World https://www.vt-world.com/letters-to-the-editor
- Lake Champlain Islander islander@vermontislander.com
- Franklin County Courier countycourier@gmail.com