Delia’s Story
D.N.A.(Do Not Abort)
Do you suffer deep regret from your past? The secular world tells you to bury it, move on with your life; but with courage, one can do just the opposite!
My deep wound is the death of my child through abortion—her very existence was terminated! I will not be silent in sharing the truth; my child deserves a voice…and in my long struggle of self loathing I finally recognize, so do I. My child was not a mistake—she had her own unique DNA while growing inside of me right from her start. All I can do for her now is to acknowledge her existence; I will not deny she existed; that would be dishonest, painful, wrong!
In today’s world over 64,000,000 children have died through abortion since the 1970s. In Vermont alone 1200 lives are lost every year through abortion!
For me it is surreal that I had found myself that lost in this world to do such a thing to my own child—one so helpless, and trusting in me, and who loved me!
We are in a love loss in the United States and Vermont is profoundly no exception! Vermonters can make the decision to help each mom in a crisis pregnancy. Abortion is never the answer. Let us unite in helping All who need our help!
Delia Warnecke, “Silent No More”
Poultney, Vermont
Amy’s Story
“I had not one but two abortions. Back then it was considered ‘progressive’ for women to take control of their bodies….and I fell into the trap of lies about abortion only involving ’tissue.’ But the ache inside kept the memory alive.
The second time, I was married and I truly, truly wanted the child; but instead of being met with joy, I was told a baby would interfere with my husband’s plans for graduate school. I was weak and alone…and I was so angry…I knew it was wrong, but I did it.
I remember the nurse holding my hand and saying, ‘Don’t worry, it’ll be over soon.’ But it wasn’t over for me; it just started years and years of silent suffering and guilt. I lost trust in people and began hating my very self.
Then, I learned about the power of God’s forgiveness and mercy and I started to forgive myself. From then on, I could not be silent any longer, ever again.
Today, I edit other post-abortion testimonials from my Vermont home and post them on a website for women who want to help others avoid the pain of abortion. At times, it is difficult to relive my mistakes over and over, but it also reaffirms my commitment to stop the destruction of human lives.”
Montgomery Center, Vermont
Julia’s Story
“There are few experiences that affect a person more deeply than abortion; there is a thread of profound guilt, shame, grief and trauma that runs through almost every story I’ve heard. Many believe they can never experience the love and forgiveness of God again, and could never forgive themselves. Throughout my years as a therapist and a Project Rachel retreat facilitator, I have witnessed women and men grieve, receive forgiveness and find peace – some for the first time in their life.”
Julia Lewis, LCMHC
South Burlington, Vermont
Jackie’s Story
I am responding to Vermont Public Radio’s call for Vermonters’ responses to the overturning of Roe v. Wade.
I am so grateful that this day has finally come!
I was conceived in rape, and here I am. I thank God that I was born a few years before Roe v. Wade. My life is just as valuable as yours. I continue to be a voice for the voiceless. If you are in a crisis pregnancy, I will help you find the resources you need for you and your baby, or the parents who will adopt your child. You are not alone.
My brother & I were adopted, & we’ve had a great life!
Loving life,
Jackie Becker
P.S. A child should never have to pay for the crimes of their father.
Fairfax, Vermont
Debbie’s Story
To Whom It May Concern,
PLEASE know that for me and the almost 100 Vermont women I have met since becoming public with my abortion testimony in 1988, WE ALL REGRET HAVING AN ABORTION. I was a freshman at the University of Vermont and ended up pregnant after drinking too much one night. I ended up at Planned Parenthood that was then located on Mansfield Avenue in Burlington, and I received ZERO counseling on the facts of my pregnancy and unborn baby. I was offered a “termination of pregnancy” that would take very little time of my life and it would “fix the problem.”
In hindsight…the abortion complicated my life very much. I became pregnant with my son 4 years later and I actually SAW photos of unborn babies at 6weeks, 7 weeks, 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 12weeks….ALL first trimester babies WITH developed bodies that were unequivocally HUMAN BEINGS….this upset me so, so much. I cannot tell you the trauma it caused, for me to finally know the TRUTH about the developing human baby that was destroyed, ripped apart into pieces during my abortion. I felt betrayed and misinformed, but mostly the GUILT, REMORSE, SADNESS, DEPRESSION, ANGER, etc. that followed my abortion was very hard to deal with. I confessed my abortion to the Lord Jesus Christ, who came, hung on a cross, and died for your sins (yes, abortion is NOT the unforgivable sin) and He rose from the dead, and intercedes with the Father for those who love Him and follow Him. He made my life anew…I was forgiven for such a heinous crime against my first child…and I have spent the last couple decades helping other post-abortive women process their abortions and receive forgiveness and become a new creation! It’s mind boggling how thorough forgiveness in Christ is! He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, 4 children, and 5 precious grandchildren.
He has also blessed me with the privilege of meeting MANY women about to abort their babies, and SEVERAL chose NOT TO once they met with me…some of them now have grandchildren from the baby they once had scheduled to abort! Incredible! AND THEY NEVER, NEVER REGRET GIVING BIRTH! But the women who I have met who had an abortion ALL regret discarding their babies…it’s a horrible thing to tell a woman the only way she can be equal with men, is to have the right to stand over her dead baby’s body! How sick! We are not a barbaric society and I’m so thankful we have erased this horrible law of our land to legalize mother’s discarding their unborn children and being deceived into thinking this killing is a CONSTITUTIONAL right. Now we can go forward and HELP women by providing what they need when they are found in an unexpected pregnancy and offer them solutions and support that both mother and baby can LIVE by.
Thank you,
Debbie Austin
Essex Junction, Vermont